Hello, I'm Ran – a personal and athletic trainer with more than 2 decades of experience in the industry.
Specializes in preventive medicine and functional strength.
Curriculum vitae in brief:
Graduated from the fitness and health instructor course from the Wingate School for Trainers and Instructors at Tel Aviv University
Sports therapist (Athletic trainer) - certified from a school for trainers and instructors in Wingate
Graduated (B.A) in Psychology and Education - from the Open University
studying (M.A.) Master's degree at Wingate A Wingate Institute
studying (B.Ac) for the "Infinite" degree - what was pre-medicine became a degree in general sciences with an emphasis on biology at the Open University.
a large number of official courses and certifications from Israel and the rest of the world.
(Examples: several courses on posture, the third age, spine health, functional strength, anatomy, and more...)
And in addition and above all, I studied in a lot of official and well-known academic study frameworks (most of them as part of self-taught in a large number of subjects - in those courses I wanted the academic "stamp")
Summary of my professional life
I was exposed to sports from the age of 0. My father was an athlete in several fields and even represented Israel in the Olympics.
I played basketball from the age of 9, which accompanied me until the age of 19.
I started training regularly on my own initiative from the age of 10, at the age of 12 I already wrote down my own program.
At the age of 14 I ran my first marathon, at that time I could already do 39 pull ups
From the age of 16, I started training for the first time in voluntary sectors, which taught me a lot about training and human movement.
At the age of 19, I studied for a gym instructor certificate at Tel Aviv University.
And right away I started training at the zamarot Raanana gym, I also did personal training in between.
At the age of 20, I started managing a neighborhood gym in Ra'anana - where part of the time I was also studying on the job and the rest of the time I was a train trainees - really a 1-1 trainer which brought me a lot of practical experience
And most days I worked morning and evening and I always worked 7 days a week, I worked a total of 16 years in this job
At the age of 22, I took the first of 3 courses that I studied with Yoel Shmoeli - posture and kinesiology, which was very significant for my life and my professional future - I was very much at the forefront of " hardcore" , powerlifting - from the old school approach and it opened a window for me and a connection to the world of health
At the age of 22 I also started the journey to Autodidactic
At the age of 24, I happened to impress a physics expert with my knowledge of biomechanics, and from that I was offered a job offer from one of the largest in the world in the field - this raised me to several levels in motivation
From the age of 26 I studied sports therapy at Wingate and became a certified sports therapist - while I took my Autodidactic to an even higher level - I would sit in lectures with another book and learn 2 things at the same time, in fact I would study from day to night and I would not waste a single second.
In the first year in sports therapy - I decided that I was in for a year of improvement - only training studies and careful eating. - After this year, suddenly there was no more struggle and everything was easy - it opened my mind to possibilities and a practical achievement of self-control.
Also in my first year in sports therapy, I took the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology course for the first time with the charismatic lecturer Charlie Reichard - which made me realize that neuroscience is the key to human behavior and it is a subject that must be mastered as a coach and in general when working with people.
After many types of studies, I finally completed a bachelor's degree from a university from start to finish, I wanted to do a master's degree straight away, but my job did not allow it, but my job allowed me to build an ideal future in other respects - from home to study as an autodidact and as a training facility for a serious trainer:
So I decided to do a degree with a degree that doesn't end - to expand my horizons, but a friend who worked at the university opened my eyes and I made the journey to study medicine - the 4th year program :
I changed my whole life and worked hard for a long time and mostly succeeded - apart from training all day I studied - in the journey to medicine.
But when I got an “obstacle course ” - that made me even doubt my ability - I reflected on my intention - and I did not find any specialization in medicine that is really preventive medicine and I found the academy important but full of flaws - so I passed the obstacle but decided to change direction - back to autodidacticism to build my profession from a variety of subjects .
Many things happened to me on a personal level along the way that made me want to leave this industry - because a high cognitive ability is required to appreciate what I "bring to the table" - here after many years I found hope that maybe in all of this there are people out there who would understand \ = deserve what I can do to provide for their lives.
So with excellent timing I got exactly what I wanted two and a half months after leaving the job in zamarot gym and I'm ready to show the world a professional level they haven't seen before.
It started about a decade and a half ago - when I realized that I wanted to be the best I could be.
But i took it to the Elit level for about 13 years when I happened to impress a physics expert with my knowledge of biomechanics and from that I was offered a job from one of the biggest jobs in the world in my field.
And I realized that it would not be enough to be academically and officially ready to start the proposed work, so I decided that the main thing was what I really knew, and even so, the academy did not seem to me to be the ideal place for studies, and most of the professions that really interested me were not studied in Israel at all.
So I decided that I would not give up the official academic progress but that I would take degree syllabuses + buy the books and just study.
And so I did for an unbelievable number of degrees - when there are courses that I studied in an accredited way - some of them I finished to the end because it was important to show to myself\ and others that I understand the subject, some I just registered and did only the assignments, there are even courses that I took for the study material - Because it was not accessible in any other way.
At that time, I managed a neighborhood gym in Ra'anana - where part of the time I was also studying on the job and the rest of the time I was a train trainees - really a 1-1 trainer which brought me a lot of practical experience which is the complement of the theory.
I worked in the same gym for 17 years - year 16 I managed it and most days I worked morning and evening and I always worked 7 days a week, a large part of this time was dedicated to learning + and I learned a lot even outside of working hours.
I got to the point where as a trainer I would consider myself worthy of training myself or those close to me Autodidactic is a big part of that.
In my opinion - if I stop being “thirsty” for knowledge then I will not be worthy to take care of people.
For the critics of autodidacticism - think about this:
Everyone is different in so many things, and the more different you are, the more you need to learn in a different way to maximize your learning (education experts talk about this) for example, in some subjects I can study 10-15 hours straight with minimal interruption, but my written expression will require me Breaks.
So if I get stuck proving with old-fashioned methods I will be wasting my time - when the goal is to know and not just to prove that I know (this is also needed - but in the "classic" academic model - the proof in my case will be the main thing).
If you calculate the number of hours of why I am defines as the minimum required knowledge - without streamlining learning it is not possible (not even approximately), let's assume that I would only study at the academy - I had a lot of "hats" but I was relatively ignorant to who I am today.
And this is just one more aspect of the many shortcomings of the academy (there are many that are backed by evidence - not just a personal opinion (non-objective of course), also for evidence - I studied a degree in education where, among other things, you learn that the method used in studying the degree is ineffective... what more can I say...?...
The process
The process will consist of several basic parts:
1 | Diagnosis
In the diagnosis I will evaluate your goals, your injuries (if any), your past experience and much more...
The diagnosis gives me reliable information and since it consists of objective tests based on science, with this reliable knowledge I will know what will benefit you in training / treatment in the most reliable and objective way possible - according to the latest science.
I understand that not everyone has the patience for a diagnosis - so we will do the minimum required since you are the customers - but it's a shame without objective information it will be much more difficult for me to guide you effectively.
An example of part of a diagnosis
The trainee complains of general back pain and an old shoulder injury - after an interview, I get to know what tests should be done on the patient
I may discover that the trainee has a posture problem that creates pressure on the position of the shoulder joint - then I would know that maybe all the presses in his training will be in a certain position and not another, that the root of the problem is probably in the thoracic spine (middle of the back)
2 | Building your training program
I will sit at home with professional literature and after a lot of thinking time will find the most effective way that will make you achieve your goals
Some will ask why use professional literature - didn't you study it before? - Of course I learned it before, but it seems to me that this is the most professional way . For example - when I have a client that I need to do an examination for something less common - an examination that I haven't done in a decade +, to go over the different accents and variations, Another possible example is this context - there are angles that are ideal for resting certain joints - then again there are joints they less Common I don't want to get confused - it's unprofessional and unethical not to check / make sure before that I'm giving instructions to the trainee..
And apart from the fact that you read a book again after a period of time - the book "plays" differently and can suddenly lead to new insights - it is recommended to try even without a connection, especially in professional literature
An example as part of the program structure:
The trainer presented me with a non-"classic" shoulder problem. I need to check if other professionals should be considered, and make sure I remember a few runs of testing related to the joint - these may indicate a certain injury pattern
3 | Training sessions , learning and program explanation
Which will most likely take several trainings / treatments - I will present to you what I found and what and why I built a program for you like I did .
It is better to stick to the plan, but if you want to change, we will find a way - so that both you and I will be satisfied.
I may perform additional tests here to verify the findings in the initial diagnosis
An example as part of a program structure:
The trainee should learn "back hygiene" = knowing how to move correctly with his back.
Consider that he has a very limited amount of Mechanical load resources to waste due to his poor posture, so the mechanical Optimization that he will learn significantly improve his life.
Consider that he has a very limited amount of Mechanical load resources to waste due to his poor posture, so the mechanical Optimization that he will learn significantly improve his life.
4 | Repeating the process every period / program
Every 5 weeks, it is better if we repeat the process - if I train you continuously and must certainly if it is only about building a training program every few weeks.
Alternative option | Trail traning
The training will consist of diagnosis and initial exercises -
Have a taste of what I can offer you - in the hope that you will want to continue training with me
Training and prices
In all the training frameworks I will be available to you for questions on WhatsApp.
You didn't find an option that suits you - talk to me.
It is important to me that you get the best value for your money.
One-time training that is not trial training | 220 NIS
In a one-time training it is difficult to achieve anything significant, which lowers my motivation to conduct such a training, but I understand that there are people who have an unconventional Schedule so it is better than nothing - at least you will receive professional training at the highest level.
A series of 10 training session | 170 NIS per workout
There is a sequence, usually suitable after there are already diagnoses
I am ready to discount so that we can make serious progress,
In my considerations I decided to be cheap relative to my training in order to try to reach as many customers as possible.
Half a year twice a week + a few diagnostic appointments needed along the way
136 NIS for a training session
I am ready to offer you training at the highest level possible at a floor price - if you commit in advance - to create stability for both sides. that's how you can achieve life-changing results - as you probably can't even dream at the moment that it's possible
Half a year 3 times a week + some diagnostic meetings needed along the way
119 NIS for a training session
I am ready to offer you the highest possible level of training at a floor price - if you commit in advance - to create stability for both sides, this way you can achieve life-changing results - as you most likely are not even able to dream at the moment that it is possible (even more than twice a week)
What is the difference between you and the other coaches?
(I usually believe in modesty, but here I guess I'll deviate a bit from customs because it's essential that the potential trainee knows these things) - so sorry for the lack of modesty)
There are many very significant differences that start from a difference in theoretical knowledge -
- The amount and quality of learning will determine what the coach knows in terms of theoretical knowledge - do you agree?
So over a period of almost 2 decades I made decisions and battles that gave me the opportunity reach more than 50,000 study hours - the vast majority of which were of high intensity (significant hours) -
Something that required countless hours over many years - countless sleepless nights, mornings and evenings without vacations, holidays and sick days - I decided that this is what I wanted to be and I did what was necessary
You agree with me that a coach who lives a normative life no matter how good he wants to be - he can't come close even in a whole career to a few percent of the amount of theoretical knowledge I have - it's simply impossible the ratio of hours.
The combination between the official studies and Autodidactic allowed me to learn what I really want/need and not to follow academic approaches that are far from perfect in terms of the learning they offer and in addition most of the things I deal with are not taught in Israel.
Experience in training others and experience in my private training - these are almost the entire completion of the time I did not learn theoretical knowledge - more than 2 decades of training experience, most of which is morning and evening and 7 days a week.
No one is wise as someone with experience, but without extensive theoretical knowledge (especially in psychology), experience can be misleading - many coaches develop beliefs and confidence naively and without any connection to reality at all, so you can find a (very limited) amount of coaches with a lot of experience, but is this experience worth anything? - For me, the experience was productive - there are only a few coaches in Israel who can compete with me for the amount of experience/the amount of real experience.
science based -
It is very rare to find trainers whose methods of work are based on science (many will be happy to testify that they are like that - just to get clients (most of them do not even know what the scientific method is)
And the ratio of the amount of knowledge required is almost impossible - again take out a calculator and check the amount of hours/sacrifice it requires - no person who lives a normal life can achieve enough theoretical knowledge to be based on science in his actions as a trainer.
By the way, of the few that are partially based on science - you will find those that do not know how to think for themselves and do not respect the basic logic and experience of veteran trainers.
Innate advantages -
I have innate advantages, most of which have been proven in objective tests and more than once - cognitive abilities, sensory-emotional ability, attention and many more, most of the people diagnosed with high abilities will be in other branches, the vast majority of the coaches I have met do not have the abilities to understand the gifted writers that I learned from in kindergarten - I am not kidding ! And these are the people you put your health future in their hands...
A real investment in every trainee -
This is easy to say.... This section requires proof in deeds, words are cheap.
Important note :
Everything written here is provable - every one of my trainees will be worthy of proof of the above - this is my duty in my eyes
אני מעלה דברים שיעניינו אותכם כול הזמן